Proteome-wide tools for disorder prediction
Here we include a non-exhaustive list of resources that may be useful for assessing if your favourite protein is disordered (or not). These resources are not predictors for an arbitrary sequence, but instead let you examine a naturally occurring protein to identify disordered regions.
In the case of DisProt, it provides a definitive resource for experimentally-verified disordered regions.
MobiDB was designed to offer a centralized resource for annotations of intrinsic protein disorder and its function. The database covers different disorder aspects.
Piovesan, D., et al. MobiDB 3.0: more annotations for intrinsic disorder, conformational diversity and interactions in proteins. Nucleic Acids Res. 46, D471–D476 (2018).
DisProt is a database of intrinsically disordered proteins. Disordered regions are manually curated from literature. DisProt annotations cover both structural and functional aspects of disorder detected by specific experimental methods. Annotation concepts and detection methods are encoded in the Disorder Ontology.
Hatos, A., et al. DisProt: intrinsic protein disorder annotation in 2020. Nucleic Acids Res. 48, D269–D276 (2020).
A community resource for pre-computed disorder predictions on a large library of proteins from completely-sequenced genomes. Goals of the database include making statistical comparisons of the various prediction methods freely available to the prediction community, as well as facilitating biological investigation of the disordered protein space.
Oates, M.E., D2P2: Database of Disordered Protein Predictions. Nucleic Acids Res. 41, D508–D516 (2013).