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Proteome-wide tools for disorder prediction


Here we include a non-exhaustive list of resources that may be useful for assessing if your favourite protein is disordered (or not). These resources are not predictors for an arbitrary sequence, but instead let you examine a naturally occurring protein to identify disordered regions.


May 21st speakers: Paul Robustelli and Thomas Boothby


On Thursday May 21st Dr. Robustelli and Dr. Boothby spoke about using simulations to understand molecular recognition and the physical basis for stress tolerance in tardigrades, respectively.

June 4th speakers: Sigrid Milles and Lucia Chemes


On Thursday June 4th Dr. Milles and Dr. Chemes spoek about studying IDPs using NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy, and how function is encoded into viral motifs in the E1A protein, respectively.

June 18th speakers: Tanja Mittag and Perdita Barran


On Thursday June 18th Dr. Mittag and Dr. Barran spoke about biophysical insights into the basis of liquid-liquid phase separation and applying mass spectrometry to obtain structural information on IDPs, respectively.

Sept 3rd speakers: Keren Lasker and Mart Loog


On Thursday Sept 3rd Dr. Lasker and Dr. Loog spoke about the complex sequence-to-function relationships in a phase separating bacterial protein and rational design of phospho-regulatory networks, respectively.

Oct. 1st speakers: Hoi Sung Chung and Gonzalo Prat-Gay


On Thursday Oct. 1st Dr. Chung and Dr. de Prat-Gay spoke about single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy of binding and aggregation in disordered proteins and molten globule-driven phase separation in viral factory assembly, respectively.

Jan. 21st speakers: Simon Alberti and Per Jemth


On Thursday Jan 21st Dr. Alberti and Dr. Jemth spoke about IDRs as molecular tools for stress survival and the molecular biophysics of coupled folding and binding across evolution, respectively.

Feb. 4th speakers: Dorothee Dormann and Sonia Longhi


On Thursday Feb. 4th Dr. Dormann and Dr. Longhi spoke about post-translational modifications in neurodegeneration and phase separation, and biomolecular condensates in viral assembly, respectively.

Feb. 18th speakers: Ed Lemke and Elvan Böke


On Thursday Feb 18th Dr. Lemke and Dr. Böke spoke about new tools for studying IDRs in cells and how IDRs contribute to biomolecular assembly in the balbiani body, respectively.

Mar. 4th speakers: Marlene Ringkjøbing Jensen and Ylva Ivarsson


On Thursday March 4th Dr. Jensen and Dr. Ivarsson spoke using NMR to examine residual structure and dynamics in signaling IDRs, while Dr. Ivarsson debut new high-throughput technologies for phage display-based IDR motif discovery, respectively.

Mar. 18th speakers: Anthony Fitzpatrick and Scott Showalter


On Thursday March 4th Dr. Fitzpatrick and Dr. Showalter spoke about structural characterization of patient-derived amyloid assemblies and using carbon-detect NMR to examine post-translational modifications in IDRs, respectively.

Apr. 1st speakers: Evan Spruijt and Lucia Strader


On Thursday April 1st, Dr. Spruijt and Dr. Strader spoke about minimal peptide systems for condensate formation and how transcriptional regulation can be tuned by cytoplasmic condensates.

Apr. 15th speakers: Kausik Si and Elisar Barbar


On Thursday April 15th, Dr. Si and Dr. Barbar spoek about protein-based information storage and how disorder and multivalency contributes to function in viruses and transcription, respectively.

Apr. 29th speakers: Anand Srivastava and Katherine Stott


On Thursday April 29th, Dr. Srivastava and Dr. Stott spoke about new methods for the simulation of disordered proteins and how disorder and spatial proximity regulates function contributes to enzyme function, respectively.

May 13th speakers: Luke Berchowitz and Max Staller


On Thursday May 13th, Dr. Berchowitz and Dr. Staller spoke about the role of RNA binding protein assemblies in function and the molecular basis for activation domain function, respectively.

July. 8th speakers: Silvio Tosatto and Sara Linse


On Thursday July 8th, Dr. Tosatto and Dr. Linse spoke about bioinformatic approaches to characterize and catalog disordered regions and how alpha-synuclein interacts with membranes, respectively.

August. 19th speakers: Andrea Soranno and Sarah Perry


On Thursday August 19th Dr. Soranno and Dr. Perry spoke about single-molecule spectroscopy to understand disordered linkers in IDRs and heterotypic buffering in phase separation and IDP-dependent inheritance, respectively.

September 23rd speakers: Tuomas Knowles and Jeetain Mittal


On Thursday September 23rd, Dr. Knowles and Dr. Mittal spoke about the molecular kinetics of amyloid assembly and using computational models across multiple resolutions to understand disordered proteins, respectively.

October 7th speakers: Ben Schuster and May Khanna


On Thursday October 7th, Dr. Schuster and Dr. Khanna spoke about synthetic biology approaches for synthetic condensate design and biophysical dissection of TDP-43 in the context of RNA binding and phase separation, respectively.

November 4th speakers: Polly Fordyce and Catherine Musselman


On Thursday November 4th, Dr. Fordyce and Dr. Musselman spoke about new high-throughput approaches to measure protein:protein and protein:DNA interactions and understanding disorder in the context of the nucleosome, respectively.

November 18th speakers: Hagen Hofmann and Josh Riback


On Thursday November 18th, Dr. Hofmann and Dr. Riback spoke about using single-molecule spectroscopy to understand IDR modes of molecular interactions and how condensate composition can influence molecular function, respectively.

December 2nd speakers: Monika Fuxreiter and Hao Jiang


On Thursday December 2nd, Dr. Fuxreiter and Dr. Jiang spoke about computational methods for inferring IDR sequence properties for phase separation and how phase separation influences human disease in the context of transcription, respectively

February 3rd speakers: Will Jacobs and Priya Banerjee


On Thursday February 3rd, Dr. Jacobs and Dr. Banerjee spoke about using theory and simulations to understand and predict complex phase behavior and understand the physical basis for phase separation in the context of chromatin remodeling, respectively

March 3rd speakers: Martha Cyert and Amy Gladfelter


On Thursday February 3rd, Dr. Cyert and Dr. Gladfelter spoke about how short linear motifs and regulate IDR-dependent molecular function and how bimolecular condensates can respond to temperature, respectively
